What to Know About Online ADHD Treatment in Utah 

A man sitting at his laptop covering his face. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy is a therapist for ADHD treating ADHD symptoms in men and providing therapy for men, PTSD treatment, and EMDR therapy through online therapy in Utah.

It seems like more and more people are finding out they have ADHD. One of the pros of social media is that it provides information that you may have not considered otherwise. Although you have to be careful when there is so much misinformation out there especially when it comes to mental health. I have noticed that people are using social media to recognize that they might have symptoms of ADHD when other people share their experiences. 

Learning that you have ADHD can change your whole view of yourself and the world. Knowing you have ADHD and getting treatment for it can be a huge relief. Things can become better for you by getting help for what you struggle with. It’s important to know how your brain works and how to cope with it. Online ADHD treatment makes therapy accessible to you wherever you are in the state of Utah. 

What is online ADHD treatment?

Online ADHD treatment involves meeting with an ADHD therapist through a HIPAA-compliant video platform on a weekly basis. Online ADHD treatment focuses on helping you manage your ADHD symptoms so they are much more manageable. The goal of Online ADHD treatment is to offer convenience and accessibility to a therapist who specializes in ADHD without you having to travel or worry about juggling time to make it work better for you. Online ADHD counseling is just as effective as in-person but makes it easier for you to attend consistently. When you are attending therapy consistently more you are able to make progress. 

Why should I use online ADHD treatment?

A laptop sitting on a brown chair. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy has a marriage therapist providing online couples therapy, online marriage counseling, and LDS marriage counseling in Utah.

Many people report that online ADHD treatment makes they are more likely to reach out for help with their ADHD. It gets rid of the barrier of driving to and from an appointment and trying to shift your schedule in ways to manage this. My clients have shared that online ADHD treatment makes it so they can attend a therapy appointment on their lunch break or in between glasses. I think you deserve to get help for your ADHD and to be able to realize you’re not stupid, and you can learn to cope with your symptoms better. 

How do I know if I have ADHD?

You might notice that you have symptoms of ADHD and wonder if you have a diagnosis. If you want a formal diagnosis you would want to get the help of a qualified mental health professional. I recommend my clients see a psychiatrist who has specialized training in testing for ADHD. They are able to also help you understand specifics about your personal experience with ADHD based on your testing. 

Can you diagnose me with ADHD?

As a licensed therapist, I can give you a loose diagnosis of ADHD but I always recommend my clients see a psychiatrist and do the formal testing for ADHD. At times trauma can manifest itself in ADHD symptoms, and it can be challenging to tease out what is really ADHD. Doing the formal testing from a psychiatrist can help you have the data to back up that you have ADHD, and this can allow us to know how to proceed. 

Will you put me on medication for ADHD?

As a therapist, I don’t have the power to prescribe medication. You would have to see a psychiatrist or other medical provider. I don’t necessarily encourage my clients to seek medication if they are against it. My job is to work with whatever you want to focus on. Medication makes a huge difference for some people, and others just aren’t interested in it. This isn’t my decision to make, and I want to provide you with information about making that decision so you can best equip yourself with the knowledge you need. 

ADHD Symptoms in Men

A black and white photo of a man covering his face. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy EMDR therapy for PTSD symptoms in men, anxiety therapy, and ADHD treatment through online therapy in Utah.

There are several symptoms of ADHD, and it can manifest itself in different ways. Here are some of the common ADHD symptoms in men. 

  • Difficulty concentrating 

  • Interrupting conversations 

  • Zoning out 

  • Struggling to manage anger or irritability

  • Procrastination 

  • Difficulty following through 

  • Poor time management 

  • Forgetfulness

Can I get treated for ADHD online?

You definitely can be treated for ADHD online with both a therapist and a psychiatrist. I refer clients to psychiatrists who also provide therapy over telehealth or online. If you have the desire to improve yourself and learn to cope with your ADHD then online ADHD treatment might be the best step for you. I have seen clients who are able to manage their symptoms, feel more confident in themselves, and improve their relationships when they have focused on prioritizing therapy for ADHD. I think you’ll love the convenience of online ADHD treatment as much as I do. 

Start Online ADHD Treatment in Utah 

You don’t have to keep struggling with ADHD. You don’t have to believe you are dumb or there is something wrong with you. Checking and responding to your e-mails doesn’t have to feel scary to you. Online ADHD treatment can help you cope better. This Utah Counseling Clinic has an ADHD therapist specializing in ADHD treatment. To begin counseling follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a therapist for ADHD

  3. Begin finding relief. 

Other Mental Health Services Provided by Marcus Hunt Therapy 

Online ADHD treatment isn’t the only mental health service provided at this Utah Counseling Practice. Other mental health services provided by Marcus Hunt Therapy include depression therapy, anxiety therapy, EMDR therapy, PTSD treatment, therapy for men, marriage counseling, premarital counseling, and LDS marriage counseling

About the Author 

A photo of Marcus Hunt AMFT. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy relationship counseling, couples counseling, and couples therapy in Utah.

Marcus Hunt is a licensed therapist at Marcus Hunt Therapy in Utah. He has an emphasis on working with men who struggle with their mental health. Marcus provides therapy for men’s issues including depression, anxiety, and trauma. He finds that many of the men he works with have undiagnosed ADHD and have lived their entire lives not understanding themselves. Marcus wants to help men understand that there isn’t anything wrong with them or their brains. He has a bachelor's degree in behavioral science from Utah Valley University. Marcus also holds a master's in marriage and family therapy. When Marcus is not doing therapy, he enjoys spending time with his wife and dogs and exploring Utah.


LDS Marriage Counseling: How It Helps LDS Couples 


5 Benefits Of Working With An ADHD Therapist in Utah