ADHD Treatment in Utah
Online ADHD Treattment in Utah
You’ve never felt like you were that smart. You tell yourself if you could just try harder and buckle down to do things, things wouldn’t be such a problem. You procrastinate doing things that feel like too much, and sometimes they slip your mind altogether. It feels like you have to work harder than other people just to do what seems to come naturally to everyone else. People have mistaken you as lazy or not good at school. It’s really eroded your beliefs about yourself. You become frustrated with the way your brain works. It seems impossible to focus on things you don’t care about. You may not realize that you might be experiencing ADHD.
Symptoms of Adult ADHD
There are so many myths about ADHD. Every person experiences ADHD differently and struggles in different ways. These are some of the common symptoms of ADHD in adults.
Difficulty with focus and concentration
Struggling with time management
Lack of organization or planning
Restlessness or excessive activity
Difficulty managing stress
Interrupting others
Fidgetting and extra movement
ADHD treatment can help
I know that it feels like there’s something wrong with you. It can be frustrating to feel like your brain just doesn’t work right. You are surrounded by people that don’t seem to struggle as you do. I know it feels terrible to feel this way. The good news is there’s nothing wrong with you. I have worked with men who have felt that they couldn’t be helped because they’ve tried everything they could to manage it on their own. As someone who also has ADHD, I have been where you’ve been. I know the struggle of not giving a name to how you think and how you approach life. I can help you get the testing that you need to understand if you do have ADHD. Regardless of if you want to do that or not, I can help you adapt your life to make things more manageable for you. You can learn to cope with your ADHD symptoms so you don’t feel so stuck.
Marcus Hunt Therapy’s approach to ADHD Treatment
My first goal for you is to help you change the negative beliefs you have about yourself. Whether you have had undiagnosed ADHD or you’ve known about it but just struggled through life, it impacts your self-esteem. I want to help you understand yourself better and how your brain works. I want you to be able to move past the limitations that others have placed upon you or you’ve learned to believe about yourself. I want you to be able to have successful relationships despite having ADHD. Maybe this world isn’t very accommodating to those that struggle as we do but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for you. I want to help you cope with life and to understand what you need to be successful with an ADHD brain. I want you to be able to have patience for yourself and to accept how your brain works.
Start working with an ADHD therapist in Utah
You don’t have to keep feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by your brain. You don’t have to keep feeling like there’s something wrong with you. Counseling can help you manage your life much better. This Utah Counseling Clinic has a therapist for ADHD specializing in ADHD treatment. To begin therapy follow the steps below:
Meet with an ADHD Therapist in Utah
Begin understanding yourself better
Online ADHD Treatment in Utah
I know it’s already difficult to manage what you’ve already got going on in your life. It can be hard to manage everything on your plate without forgetting something. I know there’s always a reason to put off going to therapy but I also know how much it can help you change your life. I offer online therapy in Utah because I want it to be that much easier for you to be able to get help. It’s convenient and much more accessible to you. It is just as effective as in-person therapy and for people with ADHD, online ADHD treatment can be even more effective.
Online counseling means I work with people all over Utah who struggle with ADHD. I work with clients in Salt Lake City, Heber City, Logan, St. George, Cedar City, and more.
Other mental health services provided by Marcus Hunt Therapy
ADHD treatment isn’t the only mental health service offered at this Utah Counseling Practice. Other mental health services provided by Marcus Hunt Therapy include anxiety therapy, EMDR therapy, therapy for men, depression therapy, marriage counseling, premarital counseling, and LDS marriage counseling.