5 Benefits Of Working With An ADHD Therapist in Utah 

A man holding his head in his hands staring at a chart. This represents how Marcus Hunt is a therapist for ADHD in Utah who provides online ADHD treatment, and therapy for men.

ADHD as an adult will look and feel different than it does in childhood. Many of the men I work with haven’t been diagnosed with ADHD until adulthood. It can be frustrating to not have known this about yourself your entire life. You thought that you were dumb or there was something wrong with you because school was a struggle or doing daily tasks seemed more difficult for you than other people. Now you know you have ADHD, and you might not be sure what to do with that information.

I know it’s hard to come to terms with ADHD, and sometimes it’s hard to believe that you really do have it. You might want to continue thinking it’s just your lack of self-control and not being able to get your life together. The reality is your brain is wired in a different way, and there’s nothing wrong with you nor is it your fault. It’s important to understand it and how it impacts you. 

Why see an ADHD therapist?

There are many reasons to see an ADHD therapist. Being able to see an ADHD therapist can have a drastic impact on your life. Here are a few of the reasons to start working with an ADHD therapist. 

1. Working with an ADHD Therapist can help you change negative beliefs

The men I work with have shared that from a young age they felt like they were dumb. They struggled in school or had to work harder than other people in math, reading, and other subjects. It seemed like everything felt harder for them, and they didn’t understand why. They had teachers that reinforced the belief that they were stupid or couldn’t do school. These experiences contribute to developing negative beliefs that you may have carried with you for the rest of your life. ADHD treatment can help you challenge these unhelpful beliefs to something more effective. 

2. Working with an ADHD Therapist can help you understand your brain 

A photo of two hands holding an illuminated brain. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy is a men's therapist providing ADHD treatment for symptoms of ADHD in men through online therapy in Utah.

This whole world is set up to accommodate people who don’t have ADHD. It can be incredibly hard to feel competent and confident in yourself when things aren’t always set up to help you succeed. Having ADHD has benefits and gifts that other people don’t have but that’s not how you’ve learned to view yourself. Working with an ADHD therapist can help you understand more about your brain and how it works. I help my clients learn to understand more about ADHD in turn helping them understand themselves on a deeper level in ways they haven’t before. 

3. Working with an ADHD Therapist can help you cope 

The most common reason why men with ADHD reach out for help is that they want to be able to cope with it more effectively. They find that their ADHD is impacting their relationships, how they perform at work, and how they do in school. You are likely reaching out because you want to be able to deal with your symptoms of ADHD better. Working with an ADHD therapist can help you find ways to cope with your symptoms and to utilize better the ways your brain works rather than trying to make yourself do things that will make it harder for you. 

4. Working with an ADHD Therapist can help you deal with emotions

One thing that you might not understand about yourself is that for many having ADHD makes it much harder to manage your emotions. Part of the struggle with having ADHD is it’s hard to cope with anger and irritability. Struggling with these emotions and not knowing how to deal can take a toll on your relationships. A focus in ADHD treatment is helping you recognize the emotions as they come up and how to deal with them in healthy ways. Working with an ADHD therapist will help you notice your trigger and be able to regulate them more effectively. 

5. Working with an ADHD Therapist can help with self-awareness 

Being both a man and having ADHD can make it difficult to recognize your thoughts and feelings. Society has reinforced to ignore how you feel, suck it up and deal with your problems. Having ADHD on top of that makes it even more difficult. When you work with a therapist you can learn to gain more understanding about yourself, and how you feel, and make connections on why you may react in the ways that you do. Self-awareness involves the ability to recognize yourself and your behaviors more fully. ADHD treatment can help you do this more effectively than you are now. 

A leather couch with pillows and a coffee table. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides LDS marriage counseling, marriage counseling, couples counseling, and premarital counseling in Utah.

Begin working with an ADHD Therapist in Utah 

You don’t have to keep feeling like you are stupid or unorganized. You deserve to understand yourself and your ADHD better without feeling like there’s something wrong with you. This Utah Counseling Center has an ADHD therapist who specializes in ADHD treatment. To begin counseling follow the steps below: 

  1. Book a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a therapist for ADHD

  3. Start ADHD Treatment

Online ADHD Treatment in Utah 

Accessing a therapist that knows how to treat ADHD isn’t always easy to find. There are many parts of Utah that don’t have an ADHD therapist to fully understand how to help and support someone that has ADHD. It’s also difficult for someone that has ADHD to know how to prioritize their mental health. This is why I offer online therapy in Utah. I want you to have access to online ADHD treatment to help improve your mental health. It’s effective and convenient. 

Online ADHD treatment allows me to work with you wherever you are located in Utah. I work with clients with ADHD in Logan, Salt Lake City, Heber City, Cedar City, St. George, and more. 

Other mental health services provided by Marcus Hunt Therapy 

ADHD treatment isn’t the only counseling service offered at this Utah Counseling Center. Other mental health services provided by Marcus Hunt Therapy include depression therapy, therapy for men, anxiety therapy, PTSD treatment, EMDR therapy, marriage counseling, premarital counseling, and LDS marriage counseling

About the Author 

A photo of Marcus Hunt AMFT. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy is a marriage counselor in Utah providing relationship counseling, premarital counseling, and marriage counseling through online therapy in Utah.

Marcus Hunt is an associate marriage and family therapist at Marcus Hunt Therapy in Utah. Marcus has a bachelor of science from Utah Valley University in behavioral science. He also holds a master's degree in marriage and family therapy. Marcus enjoys helping men improve their mental health and knows how challenging it can be to reach out for help. As someone that has ADHD, he understands the challenges of being able to live in a world that isn’t always understanding of people with ADHD. Marcus knows it’s important for those with ADHD to understand more about how their brain works and to not think so negatively about themselves. When Marcus isn’t in therapy mode he enjoys spending time with his wife and dogs and going on drives through Payson Canyon in the Autumn. 


What to Know About Online ADHD Treatment in Utah 


Online Couples Therapy  in Utah: A Therapy Guide