3 Reasons To Attend Therapy in the New Year 

Rocks stacked on top of each other. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides men’s therapy and therapy for men in Utah.

It’s a new year, a fresh start. This is the time when everyone is coming up with goals or resolutions that they want to accomplish during the New year. You might be thinking about goals for your health or your career and all that you want to accomplish. What about your mental health though? What are the goals that you have this coming year to focus on being the best you can be mentally? If you are interested in having better mental health, therapy is something to consider. I’m not being dramatic when I say therapy will change your life.

You might be hesitant to go to therapy as a man. There are so many messages that men get and you might wonder if men really go to therapy. Men do go to therapy and there are so many benefits of attending therapy every week. It’s easy to minimize your experiences or think that you really don’t have anything to talk about. I think you would be surprised at what can come up in a therapy session. Part of my job is to help you see things that may be impacting you that you haven’t noticed before. 

Why should I go to therapy?

Two men sitting and talking. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides online couples therapy and online marriage counseling in Utah.

There are numerous reasons why you should go to therapy but here are a few. You might consider your own reasons along with the ones below 

Increase self-awareness 

Self-awareness is a great quality to have that will impact your overall well-being but will also impact your relationships. There are things about yourself that you just might not know about. There are ways of interacting that you’ve never thought twice about but may be contributing to difficulties in your life.  Therapists are able to provide insights into things you may not be aware of and the blindspots you might have. When you have greater self-awareness you are a better parent, partner, employee, or boss. In order to increase self-awareness sometimes having an outsider give thought and perspective can help expand this. You can make better decisions when you are more self-aware. Working with a therapist can help increase your self-awareness and help you be a better version of yourself. 

Let go of the past

A clock and a key. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy helps men overcome their past trauma through EMDR therapy.

I’ve heard many men say “it’s in the past so I don’t need to think about it” but they may not realize how much of the past is contributing to the difficulties they are facing now. It’s also the memories of the past that come up in the quiet moments when your brain is free to think about anything. Sometimes those past memories and decisions don’t feel good. You shouldn’t have to use willpower to push thoughts and feelings aside. You have the power to truly let go of the past and to be able to heal from it. The past is also how you derive the beliefs you hold onto about yourself and the world around you. Those negative beliefs can often be problematic. Attending therapy can help you overcome the impact the past has on you. I know it can be uncomfortable to talk about and acknowledge but therapy can help you finally let go of it all. 

Have someone safe to talk to

I don’t know about you but it’s hard to identify when I had a whole hour of someone's uninterrupted attention. Do you consistently have an hour weekly to talk about yourself where the person listening isn’t distracted by their phone or other obligations? Not only the time to have someone be present and listen but someone that is actually invested in helping you work toward your goals. This isn’t someone to tell you what to do or a friend but a trained professional that knows how to help you achieve what you want to achieve. Even if therapy was just this, it has the power to change your life but it’s actually so much more than this. I get how vulnerable it might feel to open up to someone when you aren’t used to it. It’s definitely uncomfortable, and it might take some practice but be open about your life with someone that’s dedicated to helping you find solutions will be one of the best decisions you’ll make for yourself. 

Therapy for men makes life better 

A grey couch. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides therapy for depression, PTSD therapy, and symptoms of PTSD.

I promise you when you find the right therapist for you, it will make your life better. Therapy is not how it’s portrayed in movies where you lay on a couch and feel like you’re crazy. Therapy for men is about helping you work toward your goals, improve your overall well-being, and focus on the things that are going to make your life have meaning and purpose. Having a therapist who genuinely cares about you and knows you can be one of the most powerful tools in your life. You will gain so much knowledge about yourself that is invaluable for your life and your experience. 

Start working with a men’s therapist in Utah 

You can work through your past and be a better version of yourself. You deserve to feel good about yourself and to cope with life in better ways. Therapy for men can help. This Utah Counseling Practice has a men’s therapist that specializes in men’s issues. To begin counseling follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a therapist for men

  3. Begin therapy 

Online Therapy in Utah 

Marcus Hunt AMFT using a laptop. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides online therapy in Utah.

Having a hard time justifying making an appointment in the middle of the day when you’ve got work or other obligations? Don’t worry I offer online therapy in Utah so you don’t have to interrupt the flow of your day by traveling to a therapy appointment. You can have a therapy session during your lunch break. Online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy but much more convenient. 

Online counseling means I work with men in Salt Lake City, St. George, Cedar City, Provo, Logan, Heber City, and more. 

Other mental health services provided by Marcus Hunt Therapy 

Therapy for men isn’t the only counseling service provided by this Utah Counseling Center. Other mental health services Marcus Hunt Therapy provides include PTSD treatment, EMDR therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, LDS marriage counseling, depression therapy, anxiety therapy, and ADHD treatment

About the Author 

Marcus Hunt AMFT. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides couples counseling in Utah.

Marcus Hunt is a marriage and family therapist at Marcus Hunt Therapy in Utah. He has a bachelors in behavioral sciences from Utah Valley University. Marcus also holds a master's degree in marriage and family therapy. He enjoys working with men in individual therapy on how to improve themselves, which in turn positively impacts their relationships. Marcus has a goal to help men destigmatize therapy and to change the narrative that guys are weak if they show emotions. He loves using EMDR therapy to help men work through their past experiences that may continue to impact their present lives. When Marcus isn’t doing therapy, he is a slave to his mini Goldendoodle by playing fetch at the Spanish Fork Sports Park. 

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