How Do You Fix a Struggling Marriage?

If you find yourself facing uncertainty, emotional turmoil, or a growing distance within your relationship, know you are not alone. Marriages naturally experience ups and downs, and in these challenging moments, seeking marriage counseling or the help of a couples therapist becomes crucial. As a couples therapist, I’m here to provide insights and strategies to help you work through this difficult journey toward healing and reconnection. Part of fixing a struggling marriage is finding ways to restore trust, rebuild intimacy, and learn to connect and share emotions. It's important to remember that every marriage is unique, and while there is no one-size-fits-all solution, there is always hope for a brighter future.

Saving a struggling marriage

Fixing a struggling marriage can be a challenging and complex process, but it is possible with dedication, effort, and open communication from both partners. Here are some steps you can take to work towards repairing and strengthening your marriage:

Recognize the core issues

Identify the problems and challenges in your marriage. This could include a lack of communication, trust issues, financial problems, infidelity, or differences in values and goals. Both partners should acknowledge these issues and be willing to work on them.

Learn & Use Healthy Communication

Establish an open and safe space for both partners to express their feelings, concerns, and needs. Healthy and Effective communication involves active listening, empathy, and respect. Avoid blame and criticism and focus on understanding each other's perspectives.

Work with a couples therapist

Consider seeing a marriage counselor or couples therapist who can provide guidance, create a safe space to have difficult conversations, and help you learn the skills necessary to have a better relationship.  Couples counseling can help you both work through painful emotions and give you tools and ideas to improve your relationship.

Commit to change

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that both partners must be willing to make changes and actively participate in the healing process. Marriage counseling isn’t about changing your spouse. It’s about you making important personal changes as well. This may involve changing the way you talk to your spouse, and learning to be engaged and accessible to them. Set goals and focus together to improve. 

Healing past relationship injuries

Past experiences may be underlying some of your marital issues.  If trust has been broken, it will take time and consistent effort to rebuild it. Trust is the foundation of a healthy marriage, and it can be restored through transparency, honesty, and keeping commitments. You may need the help of a major counselor to work through these past relationship injuries. 

Understand the underlying emotions

One of the most effective forms of marriage therapy is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). In EFT,  the focus is on identifying and addressing the deeper emotions and attachment needs that drive conflicts and disconnection in marriage. In order to fix a struggling marriage, both partners need to be able to explore and express their emotions, such as fear, sadness, or loneliness, in a safe and supportive environment. Connecting to emotions and sharing them with others can be difficult. Working with a couples counselor and attending marriage counseling can help. 

Marriage Counseling in Utah helps struggling couples 

Marriage counseling in Utah can be helpful to couples who are struggling in their relationship and want to work on improving it. With the support of a knowledgeable marriage therapist, couples can discuss their difficulties in a safe and understanding environment. During couples counseling sessions, couples have the opportunity to openly communicate their concerns, needs, and hopes. The marriage therapist uses proven ways to help couples better understand their relationship, recognize unhealthy patterns, and learn better ways to resolve conflicts and reconnect emotionally. Whether the challenges stem from communication problems, trust issues, or past unresolved painful experiences, marriage counseling in Utah offers a chance for healing, being able to understand each other, and having a stronger, happier, and more fulfilling relationship. 

Start working with a marriage therapist in Utah 

Ready to take the first step towards improving your marriage and having a healthier, happier relationship? Don't wait any longer. Start working with a skilled marriage therapist in Utah today. This Utah Counseling Center has a couples therapist specializing in working with couples that want to have a better marriage. To begin couples therapy follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a marriage counselor

  3. Begin improving your marriage


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