Managing Emotions with Adult ADHD 

A man looking frustrated while a woman holds his hand. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides therapy for men in Utah.

ADHD can have a significant impact on a person’s life. It is often misunderstood that part of having ADHD means a struggle to manage emotions. Having ADHD means it can be difficult to have healthy relationships, feel successful at work, and feel overhaul that life is manageable. Many adults with ADHD struggle with experiencing intense emotions, impulsivity, being able to express themselves and their feelings, and mood swings. As an ADHD therapist, I often see how ADHD has an impact on my client’s relationships when it comes to being able to express and deal with their emotions. My goal is to provide insight into why you might be struggling with emotional regulation. 

What emotions are symptoms of ADHD in adults?

A man sitting at a computer. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides mens therapy near Provo, Utah.

Emotional symptoms vary from person to person. It’s important not to use someone’s emotional experience to diagnose ADHD. How a person deals with emotions is just one piece of having ADHD. It’s also true that many other mental health conditions will also struggle with being able to cope with emotions. When it comes to ADHD, some common areas of struggle when dealing with emotions are these: 

  1. Impulsivity:

    Adults with ADHD can be impulsive and make decisions without considering the consequences of their actions. This can lead to feelings of regret, frustration, and embarrassment.

  2. Rejection sensitivity:

    Adults with ADHD may be more prone to rejection sensitivity, they believe they are being abandoned or rejected,  and negative emotions can be easily triggered. They may become more emotionally reactive than others, experiencing strong feelings of anger, frustration, or sadness.

  3. Mood swings:

    Adults with ADHD may experience sudden and unpredictable changes in mood, from feeling irritable and agitated to feeling sad or down.

  4. Difficulty regulating emotions:

    Adults with ADHD may struggle to regulate their emotions, resulting in intense feelings of anxiety, frustration, and becoming overwhelmed

  5. Low frustration tolerance:

    Adults with ADHD may have a low tolerance for frustration, becoming easily overwhelmed by challenges and setbacks.

Why does ADHD make it hard to manage emotions?

A blue brain. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides ADHD online treatment in Utah.

ADHD can make it hard to manage emotions because it affects the parts of the brain responsible for emotional regulation. The prefrontal cortex, a region of the brain responsible for executive functioning and impulse control, is often affected in people with ADHD. This can result in difficulties with being able to control, impulsive behavior, coping with emotions, and concentration and attention. 

People with ADHD often experience an imbalance in neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which play an important role in being able to manage mood and attention.  This imbalance can lead to emotional dysregulation, causing intense feelings of frustration, anger, and being overwhelmed. 

A man looking distracted at his computer. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides non LDS marriage counseling in Utah.

The symptoms of ADHD themselves can also cause emotional challenges. For example, struggling with organization and time management can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, while relationship struggles can lead to feelings of isolation and rejection. With these challenges, the stigma surrounding ADHD can also take an emotional toll, leading to feelings of shame, guilt, and low self-esteem.

Overall, managing emotions can be difficult for people with ADHD due to a combination of neurological, emotional, and social factors. However, with proper diagnosis, treatment, and support, individuals with ADHD can develop effective coping strategies to manage their emotions and lead fulfilling lives.

How Online ADHD Treatment in Utah Can Help 

A yellow chair. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides depression therapy in Utah.

It’s important to understand individually why you struggle with your emotions and the situations and people that might trigger them. You might think it’s too late to get help but there are so many benefits to ADHD treatment as an adult. Working with an ADHD therapist can help you be able to understand yourself better and learn to respond in ways that are more helpful to you. Some people use medication management and online ADHD treatment can help you find a provider that specializes in ADHD medication. As an ADHD therapist, I help clients learn to cope more effectively and utilize the tools they have to feel more in control of their emotions. 

Online Therapy in Utah

A cup of a coffee by a laptop. This represents how Marcus Hunt Therapy provides couples counseling in Utah via online therapy.

I offer all my counseling services through online therapy in Utah. It’s just as effective as in-person therapy without the inconvenience of having to travel. Most of my clients meet over telehealth from home or on their lunch break.

Online counseling also means I work with clients all over the state of Utah. I work with clients in St. George, Cedar City, Provo, Heber City, Logan, Salt Lake City, and more. 

Start working with an ADHD therapist in Utah

You don’t have to try and figure out how to deal with ADHD on your own. You can find ways to cope better with your ADHD. ADHD treatment can help. This Utah Counseling Practice has an ADHD therapist who specializes in treating symptoms of ADHD. To begin therapy follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a therapist for ADHD

  3. Start managing emotions better

Other mental health services provided by Marcus Hunt Therapy 

ADHD treatment isn’t the only counseling service provided by this Utah Counseling Clinic. Other mental health services provided by Marcus Hunt Therapy include EMDR therapy, depression therapy, marriage counseling, premarital counseling, therapy for men, and more. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation to see how I can help. 

About the Author 

Marcus Hunt AMFT a marriage counselor at Marcus Hunt Therapy near Provo, Utah. Marcus Hunt Therapy provides relationship counseling in Utah.

Marcus Hunt AMFT, and an ADHD therapist at Marcus Hunt Therapy located in Utah County. Marcus has a bachelor's degree in behavioral sciences from Utah Valley University. He also has a master's degree in marriage and family therapy. Marcus understands the challenges of having ADHD firsthand as he was diagnosed with ADHD in graduate school. He has the professional expertise to know how to help clients be able to cope with their emotions and find ways to not let ADHD impact their lives and functioning.

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